Since we are discussing about what true happiness is lately I wanted to share to you what my true happiness is through pictures:

This picture of me represents my youth and how oblivious I was to what happiness really means. When you are a child you don't know much and the things that make you happy aren't really whats important in life. One never knows what happiness is until you grow up and experience things through living life. When this picture was taken my parents were not divorced yet and I had not experienced the things that have made me who I am today.
As I grew older I started realizing who I was and what started making me happy. I was always loved by my parents but when I saw my parents fighting constantly I was quick to conclude that my parents were going to be getting a divorce soon. When my parents divorced I was angry but
not angry enough to do something drastic. The
divorce made me realize the meaning of family
and how important it can be. Even though I have

After my parents divorced when I was 14 I started becoming really mad. The way I got rid of my anger was through sports. I played a lot of recreational sports when I was younger but know it's a little bit different. I now do more action sports like wake boarding, snowboarding, and mountain biking. I think the one reason it makes me so happy is because I know I'm outdoors exercising instead of wasting my time watching TV. I like the feeling of being different than other people and doing different things. Sports are definitely a way for me to escape from reality and be who I want to be.
This last picture is the house my parents own in Hawaii. This picture represents my parents happiness. Besides family and sports the other thing that makes me happy is seeing ones I love happy. You can't truly be happy if the one's you care about most are miserable. This house was a big accomplishment for my family and brought great happiness to them. If you are going to be happy the ones around you have to be happy. One person can bring everyone down.
This was a nice reflection on the meaning of happiness to you personally. I liked the photos you included and also appreciated your honesty. And if you ever need a house-sitter for your home in Hawaii, look no further. It's one of my favorite places. Hard not to be happy there. Aloha and have a great break, Jesse!