In my ideal community it would be on the big island of Hawaii and when you first join you would be accommodated with a job and a house. Education and health care are free and there are no
taxes. Every job gets paid nearly the same amount so that there aren’t rich and there aren’t
poor. Equality but not sameness like in The Giver. The community also has all the regular commodities that a normal society has for you
like grocery stores, banks, shopping malls, etc. There is just one rule: take the
prescription we give you everyday. The prescription allows for you to be very optimistic
about life. You will have minimal worries, no
anger, no fighting with one another, just a life of pure happiness. The objective of the pill is so that it will prevent people from having hatred for one another and so that the community will benefit from everyone getting along being able to work together to create a solid/successful community.
I like this! I want to live in Hawaii and be happy all the time, although I'm not sure if I would want to take a pill... I would probably just be naturally happy if I was living there!