Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Time Machine

The book I read was The Time Machine, by H. G. Wells, was published in 1895 by New American Library and is 106 pages. The book starts off with the main character, The Time Traveller, who is a English scientist that lives in Richmond, London. He explains to his weekly dinner guests that time is the fourth dimension and shows them his model of a time machine and introduces that he has built a real time machine. The story actually begins when the time traveller comes into the door for dinner a week later to explain his time traveling experience. He explains that he went into the future to the time of 802,701 A.D. where he meets these new creatures called Eloi and Morlocks. Eloi live above ground in big buildings and do not work at all, while the Morlocks are all under ground and are constantly working to keep society going for the Eloi. The Time Traveller ends up finding out that the Morlocks have taken his time machine and throughout the book he is trying to figure out how to get it back. In the end The Time Traveller ends up getting his time machine back and goes further into the future about 30 million years, soon to see that Earth is deteriorating. Only to come back a week later to his dinner guests to tell his story. While reading this book I didn't really like the descriptive details because they were very hard to understand. Although i liked all the characters because it was very interesting to see how H. G. Wells created his own "future." "I was in the dark, trapped. So the Morlocks thought. At that i chuckled gleefully." I thought this what a very important quote because when you think of the future you would think that the individuals would be a lot smarter but this shows that The Time Traveller was not fooled by the Morlocks. I would recommend this book to all ages because it is great comparison to the world we live in today. It also is very descriptive and gives you a great image to follow while you are reading. Most enjoyable book I have read in a while!  

Monday, April 16, 2012

Violent TV

In my opinion I believe that violent television doesn't  influence kids as much as everyone thinks. I think rather than kids committing violent acts from TV they commit violent acts because of the area they live in and who they hang around with. I understand that kids are becoming more violent at younger ages but that doesn't mean they are doing it because they saw it on TV. I believe that TV is created to entertain us and not turn us in to bad civilians. On the other hand, I do think that kids watch to much TV and if you are watching to many hours of TV you probably will get influenced by it. But, it doesn't mean kids watch violent shows every time they turn on the television. People don't realize that they have their own choices in life and can do whatever they want, just because there is something violent on TV doesn't mean you automatically think it is right and go commit a crime. It's all about who is is your life and who influences you outside of TV that helps you make better decisions.

Monday, April 2, 2012

PBS Culture Shock

Videos games are a form of art because they are descriptive images that are 3-dimensional. I think that the images are objectionable because some of them are not suitable for all age and may project violence. No it was not difficult to choose if the image was appropriate or not to be on the home page of this website. The quotes from this website did not sway our decision because video games are just “games” and should not be compared or perceived to act like the game in real life. We do not believe that violence occurs from video games but rather is a social outlet to let your anger out.